Consumerism, Sexism and 2011 Retrospective

Consumerism... What if "Black Friday" never comes?

Consumerism says... What if "Black Friday" never comes? And how can you compete with that line of reasoning? "Driven" is a word like compulsive or obsessed that accurately describes our insatiable urge to spend and buy those things regardless of need or affordability. Have we ever heard the word content? It's a word like satisfied and enough... yet rarely used in the context of our Western society.

The Sexism of Religious Extremists 

 There are thousands of Israelis in the streets right now protesting religious extremism.In the Jewish City of Bet Shemesh, ultra-Orthodox men spat on an eight year old girl, "insulted her and called her a prostitute because her modest dress did not adhere exactly to their more rigorous dress code".

2011 moving onto 2012... 

There were many events and happenings in 2011. Some would say that it was one of the worst years ever, some would disagree. In any case, a short retrospective is in order.

Why should you never just be yourself?

Just be yourself and you will achieve success. This old advice was, is, and always will be wrong. If you want to succeed, you have to be your best self. People will say that you should always be yourself. They will tell you that they want to hear what you really think. They will ask about your true feelings. Than, once you have a really bad day, and make the terrible mistake of telling them what you really think or feel, more often than not, they get offended and angry.

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