Occupy movement, government paychecks and other news

Petting Puppies

People often ask what the Occupy movement is all about. So far there is only one central theme that draws everyone together. Economic and political inequality and unfairness. All of the other goals and aspirations derive from this one central idea.

Town Crier in The Global Village: The Underground Tribune

This "Underground Tribune" would feast on those items that can't make it through the Corporate Political filters or bureaucracy... we would get it strait from Bloggers on their own sites or social networks. Allowing them the freedom of their own advertisements or donate buttons... for just a small piece of the global village pie! Mmmm... The Underground Tribune...
"A Town Crier in The Global Village"

Underwear crackdown

No more women’s underwear in Uzbek capital city of Tashkent. Authorities support this decision because “it’s improper for Uzbeks, if children see them.” Underwear shops in the district have been closed down, resulting in immediate birth of brand new, “under the counter,” lingerie black market economy. Uzbek merchants have learned to adapt quickly so this new ban will only succeed in reducing tax revenue from all underwear sales.

No recession for Elected Representatives

While 250 members – nearly 50 percent - of Congress are millionaires, one-in-ten residents of Washington DC live below half of the poverty line. The richest man in Congress, Republican Rep. Michael McCaul, currently holds $294.21 million in assets.

Now, while you think how you knew that it's no wonder how thos fat-cat Republicans support the rich, here is something to consider. Recent report reveals that Democrats are actually richer than their Republican colleagues.

Is it 2012 yet? An Updated Outlook + Electoral College Data

 The Iowa Caucus is fast approaching. I have been watching polling data and campaign camps closely as the day draws near. Iowa has become very interesting this year as it seems unlikely to play its historical role (Most of the time, the winner of Iowa goes on to secure the nomination, only 1 time since 1988 have the Iowans been "wrong"). However, it is looking more and more like Ron Paul will win Iowa, it also is becoming apparent that he will not win anywhere else.

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